- From: "Marion Kerl" < marion.kerl.ext@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2010 20:34:53 -0000
- Subject: [EnergyPlus_Support] BCVTB - energyPlus ExternalInterface:Actuator
- Reply-To: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- X-Yahoo-Newman-Property: groups-email-tradt-m
- Hi all,
- actually I want to couple Simulink with energyPlus, using the BCVTB.
- I know there is one example for a simple Room, but this example use the external interface:Schedule and I want to use the externalInterface:Actuator.
- I found in BCVTB a example, which controls the shading actuation signal in the energyPlus model.
- In the idf file is the externalInterface:actuator configured.
- ExternalInterface:Actuator,
- Zn001_Wall001_Win001_Shading_Deploy_Status, !- Name
- Zn001:Wall001:Win001, !- Actuated Component Unique Name
- Window Shading Control, !- Actuated Component Type
- Control Status, !- Actuated Component Control Type
- ; ! initial value
- But I don't understand where is the "real" actuator. How works the link between the externalInterace:actuator and the object/component in the idf file?
- Thanking you in advance.
- Marion