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[EnergyPlus_Support] Could you help with making EPW

Hi, E+Supports~
I make a CSV and want to convert to EPW, but I failed.
Could you help me to correct it~
Thank you.

This is the contents of file audit:

-Input File Type=CSV, with FileName=D:\weatherdata\Tainan03-07_csv.csv
 -Out of Range Data items will be corrected.
 -***Definitions file=d:\weatherdata\tainan03-07_csv.def
 Def (Definitions) Location Processed Status
 Location data read -- end of file, no data processed.
 Valid field names are: City,StateProv,Country,InWMO,InLat,InLong,InTime,InElev
 Def (Definitions) Weather Data Processed Status
 Weather data read -- end of file, no data processed.
 Valid field names are: NumInHour,InputFileType,DataElements,DataUnits,DelimiterChar,InFormat,DataConversionFactors,DataMissingValues
 Def (Definitions) Misc Data Processed Status
 Comments data read -- end of file, no data processed.
 Valid field names are: Comments1,Comments2,SourceData,OutputURL
 Def (Definitions) Data Control Data Processed Status
 Note: Data Control only used in "Custom" input formats
 DataControl data read -- end of file, no data processed.
 Valid field names are: NumRecordsToSkip,MaxNumRecordsToRead,MissingDataAction,MissingWindDirAction,MissingWindDirValue,MissingOpaqueSkyCoverAction,MissingOpaqueSkyCoverValue,MaxWindSpeed,MaxDirectSolar,MaxDiffuseSolar
 -***Processing Definitions file complete.
 *** Could not open CSV file=d:\weatherdata\tainan03-07_csv.csv
 Error (  30 {  1E}) [Open failure] found while Reading CSV file=d:\weatherdata\tainan03-07_csv.csv


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