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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Need some qhuidance on scheduling.

Hi Aditya.

Setting up a schedule using For:SummerDesignDay or For:WinterDesignDay lets you set up HVAC operation for determined hours of those types of days. What this basically means is this:

using design days is like telling your system "ok, so consider these two typical days, one for summer and one for winter. now run my model and tell me, for those conditions, what loads do i have and show me how my HVAC will perform"

setting up a schedule of HVAC operation for those design days is further telling the program: "for those typical days, i want my HVAC system to be turned on during a set hours of the day and turned off during another set hours of the day". This works because a DesignDay doesnt have a constant temperature during the 24 hours if you input a temperature range in the SizingPeriod:DesignDay object.


For: SummerDesignDay
Until: 07:00
Until: 19:00
Until: 24:00

If you use this schedule to setup HVAC operation, for your SummerDesignDay you will have the HVAC off from 00:00 to 07:00, turned on from there up to 19:00 and off again for the remainder of the day.

Hope this clears your question.


On 31-03-2011 21:38, Aditya Ravi wrote:


I am new to energyplus and I have a lots of basic questions.

How do we schedule the HVAC operation for both winter and summer. By this I mean, the period for which the HVAC is ON/OFF. I am modelling a system for a regular 3 bedroom house. I am unable to understand the logic of scheduling the moment I see For:WinterDesignDay or SummerDesingDay in the HVAC operation schedule. Can you explain the logic to me. what do they mean? If possible give me an example.

Similarly when it comes to the set points, I know how to assign values for different times of the day, however, I am not clear on the logic behind using For: WinterDesignDay or SummerDesignDay.

I am planning to use PTAC for for both cooling and heating. And its going to be electric and not hot water or any other fuel for heating.



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