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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] LowTemperatureRadiant: Error "Temperature out of range" ?


I would suggest a troubleshooting run with no infiltration and reduced loads in order to identify if the system is in fact just incapable of handling the loads you have placed on it.

I have encountered a similar type of error with radiant systems (surface temperatures out of bounds) and my error was not related to the loads on the system. My errors were solved by tightening up my convergence values and reducing the length of the time steps. Also updating to version 6 of EnergyPlus implements improved controls for radiant systems.

Best of luck,


On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 7:09 AM, aschzh <aizh@xxxxxx> wrote:

Dear Community,

i keep getting an error message (see below) in my GHE-GSHP-LowTemperatureRadiant:ConstantFlow setup. The glycol temp (water) seems to get to high / to low. My assumption is that the low temperature radiant system is not powerful enough to deliver the required loads that occur in the zone. But what to I have to change?

Thanks for any hints,


** Warning ** GetSpecificHeatGlycol: Temperature is out of range (too low) for glycol specific heat **
** ~~~ ** ..Called From:UpdateLowTempRadiantSystem Glycol=WATER,Temperature=-1.51
** ~~~ ** Environment=Zuerich-SMA - - TMY2-66600 WMO#=, at Simulation time=03/13 08:17 - 08:20
** Warning ** GetSpecificHeatGlycol: Temperature is out of range (too high) for glycol specific heat **
** ~~~ ** ..Called From:UpdateLowTempRadiantSystem Glycol=WATER,Temperature=125.01
** ~~~ ** Environment=Zuerich-SMA - - TMY2-66600 WMO#=, at Simulation time=07/18 03:00 - 03:10


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