You already have he file: 0600_ZoneEqpt.inp 06_WaterVAVreheat.inp is attached. in the .imf file you will see the followings:
=============== ! ##include 0600_ZoneEqpt.inp ... ...##include 06_waterVAVreheat.inp
mmZoneEq [Space5-1 ] mmZoneEq [Space1-1 ] mmZoneEq [Space2-1 ] mmZoneEq [Space3-1 ] mmZoneEq [Space4-1 ]
=================== The whole section of 0600 file of 24K bytes is now replace by the definition file, 5303 bytes, called by the macro lines five times. I called the space5-1 first, because that was the order in the original file.
=============== The advantage of this is that when you have more zones, say 5 storeys of the same floor construction, you simply add 20 more lines. with Space5-2 for second floor, etc. ================== You can do the same with the retangle building geometry because each zone is defined by six numbers representing the opposite diagonals. The macros will be for: ExteriorWall, Partition, GrounFloor, InterFloor, Ceiling, Roof. Each of these will have the same x1,y1, z1, x2, y2, z2 fir the same zone. The number will be arranged in different order to form the 4 vertices in each macro definition. I will send you these later. Dr. Li
To: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx From: zqianmin@xxxxxxxxx Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2011 15:29:06 -0700 Subject: Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] EnergyPlus Macros
Thanks a lot! I will study it. Qianmin On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 11:20 AM, YuanLu Li <yli006@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Attached is a first level macro file which simply separate the sections into sections. The next step is to remove and copy the sections such as building geo into another section for future coding. (0500 section is reserved for this.)
After that the 0401, 0402, etc. are repeated files. They can be reduced to one macro definition file and use macro lines in the IMF to call them. This also apply to the zone equipment sections. The rest of the equipmen and plant is already unique. All you need to do later is to match the branch name in the plant and the node name in the zone equipment.
The heating coil in the zone system air part, has an air path and a water path. The coil object need to be matched again, if the air path name is changed. I call it a first level macro, because there no imbedded macro, and no conditional selection macro used yet.
Extracted them to one directory, change the ##fileprefix at the beginning of the .imf to match your directory path. (or delete it to use current directory) Simulate with EPlaunch openning the .imf. The path is passed by the EPlaunch.
I have not changed anything, the result should be the same as the original IDF of the same name in the exampleFiles folder. This is also the file I am using to help n-Junk for the reheat coil removal problem.
Dr. Li Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2011 11:33:56 -0700 Subject: Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] EnergyPlus Macros
Thank you Dr. Li. What I know relative to C language is C++, one semester learning, and that was 6 years ago. It is hard to say I know it, but you show me a good demonstration of its functions above.
I was looking at the post from Yi Zhang about jEPlus, and tried to use it. I feel like it need to work with ep-macro under its parameter item "search string, alternative values", although I'm not that sure about it.
For my work, I was looking for something can help me make easier change on text editor. There is only one step undo on text editor, and if I want to utilize some model from energyplus example file in my project, it's not that easy to do copy, past and edit on either idf or text editor. My experience with energyplus and its supplement software is really limited. If one project has same system with one model in energyplus file, but different zone number and zone name, what will you do to implement the system to the project? Directly create the system in idf or copy and paste from energyplus model in idf or in text editor? Or any better way like something I expected from jeplus. Thank you.
Regards, Qianmin On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 10:58 AM, YuanLu Li <yli006@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Do you know how the conditional compilation work in C programming? ##include myfilename would include a file in that location. ============ ##def mmName1 [ macroName1, macroNUm1 ] macroName1 outlet,
, macroNum1, end; ##enddef =============== would define a block of codes. mmName1 [Z1, 50 ] would give you: ============= Z1 outlet, , 50,end; ================== It is very powerful variable substitution and calculatin program.
You can sectionize one IDF into many INP files and include them in one IMF file. EPlaunch would except the IMF file and expand it into epmIDF and simulate. The direct macro expansion program is done by the EPmacro.exe which is run in the DOS window, as described in the Auxiliary Program pdf.
If you can show me how much you know, I will lead you through. Dr. Li
To: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: zqianmin@xxxxxxxxxDate: Wed, 20 Jul 2011 10:32:03 -0700 Subject: [EnergyPlus_Support] EnergyPlus Macros
Could anyone tell me how to start using input macros? I read this part on auxiliaryprograms.pdf, but can't figure it out. I even don't know how to run the EP-Macro program at this time. Thank you for your help.
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