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RE: [EnergyPlus_Support] Re: Why T becomes so low

Hi, Xing
Sorry I did not realize that you use Zone 5 for Zone 5-K.

When I was running the designDay simulation, there was no cooling for Zone 5-K.  That could be the chedule problem.
It appears that you  only have cooling in the air loop and using the reheat heater as heater for the zone.  This is probably the reason that you do not have exact temperature for the zone during cooling, because you were controlling the coil temperture shared by the five zones.
I have re-send the .err file as .txt file.
 Dr. Li  


To: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: xing.shi.2006@xxxxxxxxx
Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2011 23:58:24 +0000
Subject: [EnergyPlus_Support] Re: Why T becomes so low

Dr. Li, thanks!

We checked the SVG diagram and it seemed to be correct. In our configuration, only 5 big zones (from 1-k to 5-k) are conditioned spaces.

The shading of the basement is a minor thing because the basement wall has some little spaces outside that are digged down to provide natural lighting.

By the way, for some reason, I cannot download the error file you uploaded.

--- In EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, YuanLu Li <yli006@...> wrote:
> Hi, HanSin I had simulated your IDF and had a quick look at the result. The error file is attached. The simulation configuration is not correct. The five fan coils in the air loop are not connected to any zones. Zone 1 to zone 5 do not exist in you IDF. You have infiltration in all zones. The zone temperature is simply flowing the outside air temperature and regulated by the ground temperature. There is no zone heating or cooling load. Zone -1-T seems to in the basement. There are errors on shading. If -1-T is a basement, then all the shading on the windows are very strange arrangement. I cannot tell exactly, because your z in the zone origin is 3.5 and the z in the floor is -7. I always use one origin for the building input.
> Dr. Li
> To: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> From: xing.shi.2006@...
> Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2011 18:35:36 +0800
> Subject: [EnergyPlus_Support] Why T becomes so low
> Attached is our IDF file. It is a 5-story building with two chillers for cooling and electric heating. The srange thing is that the simulation shows that the zone T is well controlled as the schedule defines in winter (20 degree C). However, in summer the schedule wants to maintain the zone T at 26 degree C but the output shows that the T overshoots to 20 degree C.
> We replaced the HVAC system with IdealSystem and the zone T is well controlled. I guess this means that the schedule has no error. We have been working on this problem for several days and are really puzzled.
> Please help. Thanks! XS


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