Hi Xavier. Well, what you ask for can't be any more vague than that. What you have in that link is just the specifications of what a particular AHU can do. What you need to know is what kind of HVAC system you want for your building. is it a constant volume flow or a VAV system; will the AHU need cooling/heating coils; will it have only the roof top unit serving the rooms or will it need terminal units, and if so what kind of terminal units, and so on... This is a pre-simulation work, so it has nothing to do with Eplus yet. After you have decided what you exactly want in your building HVAC system, then you can start thinking about simulation. If you're not familiar with HVAC systems, i suggest you ask for help at your university. Pedro. On 23-09-2011 7:29, xav31sob wrote:
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