sorting Zones class objects withing IDF file by name? In that case I suppose I would minimize Excel "tuning" of my .csv files and save up some time!
Open the same file in two EDFeditor windows. One original and to other sorted order.
You can do this with cut and paste in the same IDF.
Yes, Dr. Li, I am doing cut/paste for now. The problem occurs when you have 50+ zones and you kind of get lost in IDF Editor! Oh well, you can't have it all. But, maybe this "sort by.." option will be available for some next editions of IDF Editor.
The display order of the .csv file can be customized using the RVI postprocessing technique.
Unfortunately, I do not know anything about RVI. I won't bother you with it for now, something to figure out for myself. Nice to know that it can be done, though.
4) If I request Output:Constructions, they are reported in *.eio file. How can I open this file and make it readable? What else is there in this file? .eio is one of the standard output file in text and .csv format. Can be displayed in a spread sheetl. Ever number used for simulation is in there.
OK, but how can I format .eio to be Excel readable? What to do to make this happen?
between Zone sizing csv, and Zone/Sys Sensible Cooling/Heating Rate csv?
If you use DesignDay sizing or weather sizing, the program look for maximum value the results for the Zone/Sys Sensible Cooling/Heating Rate over a 24 hour period and use it for sizing. Sizing csv is for the sizing period. Normal csv is for the run period.
Got it! Sizing csv for sizing period, normal csv for run period, which is annual in my case. It was a bit confusing considering that my variables csv also contains my DDY data for Winter and Summer, and after that begins Annual simulation (practically a 3 part spread sheet), and on the other hand Zone sizing csv has only 24 hour cooling/heating loads.
The result for the same day may not be the same, as the DesignDay object has a different weather condition.
Yup, I'm well aware of that possibility! Thanks Dr. Li.