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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Degenerate Surface Errors in EP6.0 to EP7.0 transition

At 02:59 AM 12/19/2011, Adil SMH wrote:
Are there some more stringent topology check added in EP7 then earlier versions? and finally what can be done to remove this.

Yes, there is more stringent checking in V7.  In particular, surfaces with coincindent vertices have those vertices removed until there are 3 sides left -- but these are still coincident.

Use the Output:Diagnostics, DisplayExtraWarnings; (as noted in the error file) to show each problem surface.  You should examine them and, if they are all coincident vertices, remove the surface.  (You can easily test by commenting out that particular surface in a text editor).  Or create a backup of your idf, and remove the offending surfaces.

These surfaces cause the shading calculations not only to do extra work but probably somewhat inaccurate work.


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