Dear All,
I am simulating
an existing building, with 14 floors in total but 8 of them are identical
floors. For these, I have modeled one typical floor and used a multiplier of 8 in each zone to represent
all floors. However, I was having huge time setpoint not met (I am autosizing
all capacities and flow rates). I simulated the building again without the
multiplier, this has decreased the setpoint to below 300 unmet hours, as it
should be regarding ASHRAE 90.1.
correct me if I am wrong, but I understand that only the zones were multiplied,
not the AHU that I have for each floor, because the multiplier was defined
within the zone.
My question
is: Is there a way that I could use the multiplier also for the AHUs that are
connected to these multiplied zones, to have a correct result of total load? Or
should I not use multiplier and multiply the load of the typical floors by 8 â??by
handâ?? (not sure if this is acceptable though)?
Thank you in
advance for your feedback and suggestions,