You might run your simulation, then find the peak heating & cooling day(s) then use the "sizeing period weather file days" object to do your sizeing wthout the DDY file.
Begin Month7
Begin Day of Month21
End Month7
End Day of Month21
Day of Week for Start DaySummerDesignDay
Use Weather File Daylight Saving PeriodYes
Use Weather File Rain and Snow IndicatorsYes
Begin Month12
Begin Day of Month21
End Month12
End Day of Month21
Day of Week for Start DayWinterDesignDay
Use Weather File Daylight Saving PeriodYes
Use Weather File Rain and Snow IndicatorsYes
On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 10:25 AM, moh_alyetman < moh_alyetman1@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
- I am looking for Jeddah Saudi Arabia but the one I found is empty "No Design Conditions found for this Location". Can any one help ?
- How can I create it or edit another one?
- Thank you.
Jeremiah D. Crossett
CleanTech Analytics
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