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[EnergyPlus_Support] Re: DOAS with fan coil

Here's a bit of code that includes
1) fancoil
2) the hvac part of the radiant system (not plant side or in which construction it is placed)
3) zone:exhaust object


  U12,                                    !- Zone Name
  U12Equipment,                           !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
  U12 Zone Inlet Nodes,                   !- List Name: Zone Air Inlet Nodes
  U12 Exhaust Air Nodes,                  !- List Name: Zone Air Exhaust Nodes
  U12 Zone Air Node,                      !- Zone Air Node Name
  U12 Return Outlet;                      !- Zone Return Air Node Name
  NodeList,  !Zone Exhaust Outlets (not Airloop Return)
    U12 Exhaust Air Nodes,             !- Name
    U12 WC Exhaust Air Node,
    FC U12 Exhaust Air Node;  !- Node 1 Name !Mixing Box to Zone connection  AND FC air inlet node

  NodeList,   !Zone Inlets
    U12 Zone Inlet Nodes,             !- Name
    U12 Supply Inlet,
    U12 Heating Coil Air Outlet;  !- Node 1 Name
  FC U12 Outdoor Air Node;                       !- Node or NodeList Name 1
  U12Equipment,                           !- Name
  ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit,                            !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
  U12 ATU,                                !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
  4,                                                       !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
  4,                                                       !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
  ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:VariableFlow,             !- Zone Equipment 2 Object Type
  U12 RF,                                 !- Zone Equipment 2 Name
  1,                                                       !- Zone Equipment 2 Cooling Sequence
  1,                                                       !- Zone Equipment 2 Heating or No-Load Sequence 
  Fan:ZoneExhaust,                                         !- Zone Equipment 3 Object Type
  U12 XFan WC,                            !- Zone Equipment 3 Name
  3,                                                       !- Zone Equipment 3 Cooling Sequence
  3,                                                       !- Zone Equipment 2 Heating or No-Load Sequence
  ZoneHVAC:FourPipeFanCoil,                                !- Zone Equipment 3 Object Type
  FC U12 Fan Coil,                        !- Zone Equipment 3 Name 
  2,                                                       !- Zone Equipment 3 Cooling Sequence
  2;                                                       !- Zone Equipment 3 Heating or No-Load Sequence 

    U12 RF, !- Name
    On,   !- Availability Schedule Name     U12 RF Availability Sch
    U12,    !- Zone Name
    U12_GroundFloor_0_0_0,          !- Surface Name or Radiant Surface Group Name
    0.012,                   !- Hydronic Tubing Inside Diameter {m}
    autosize,                !- Hydronic Tubing Length {m}
    MeanAirTemperature,      !- Temperature Control Type
    autosize,                !- Maximum HW Water Flow {m3/s}
    U12 RF HW Inlet Node,    !- HW Water Inlet Node Name
    U12 RF HW Outlet Node,   !- HW Water Outlet Node Name
    0.50,                    !- Heating Control Throttling Range {deltaC}
    RF Heating Supply Temperature,                  !- Heatinging Control Temperature Schedule Name
    0.0,                !- Maximum CW Water Flow {m3/s} !ChW is turned off
    U12 RF Inlet,  !- CW Water Inlet Node Name
    U12 RF Outlet,  !- CW Water Outlet Node Name
    2.00,                     !- Cooling Control Throttling Range {deltaC}
    U12 AHU Cooling SP Sch,   !- Cooling Control Temperature Schedule Name
    SimpleOff, ! condensation control type
    0.0; ! condensation control dewpoint offset
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FC START
  FC U12 Fan Coil,                                       !- Name
  FC Sch,                                                  !- Availability Schedule Name
  ConstantFanVariableFlow,                                 !- Capacity Control Method
  30,                                                      !- maximum air flow rate {m3/s} !GET THE TOTAL FC m³/h ...this value gives realistic results
  0.9,                                                        !- Low Speed Supply Air Flow Ratio
  0.99,                                                        !- Medium Speed Supply Air Flow Ratio
  0,                                                       !- maximum outside air flow rate {m3/s}
  Off,                                                     !- Outside Air Schedule Name
  FC U12 Exhaust Air Node,                 !- Air Inlet Node Name 
  U12 Heating Coil Air Outlet,             !- Air Outlet Node Name 
  FC U12 Outdoor Air Node,                 !- Outdoor Air Node Name
  FC U12 Relief Outlet,                    !- Relief Air Node Name
  FC U12 OA Mixing Box,                    !- Outdoor Air Mixer Name
  FC U12 Supply Fan,                       !- Fan Name
  FC U12 Cooling Coil,                     !- Cooling Coil Name
  0.0334,                                                !- maximum cold water flow {m3/s}
  0.0334,                                                       !- minimum cold water flow {m3/s}
  0.001,                                                   !- Cooling Convergence Tolerance
  FC U12 Heating Coil,                     !- Heating Coil Name
  autosize,                                                !- maximum hot water flow {m3/s}
  0,                                                       !- minimum hot water flow {m3/s}
  0.001,                                                   !- Heating Convergence Tolerance
  Coil:Cooling:Water;                                      !- Cooling Coil Object Type

  FC U12 OA Mixing Box,                    !- Name
  FC U12 Mixed Air Outlet,                 !- Mixed Air Node
  FC U12 Outdoor Air Node,                 !- Outside Air Stream Node  !needs its own connection to OD
  FC U12 Relief Outlet,                    !- Relief Air Stream Node !not connected to Airloop
  FC U12 Exhaust Air Node;                 !- Return Air Stream Node


  FC U12 Supply Fan,                       !- Fan Name
  FC Sch,                                                  !- Availability Schedule Name
  0.7,                                                     !- Fan Efficiency
  75,                                                      !- Delta Pressure {Pa}
  30,                                                !- Max Flow Rate {m3/s}
  0.9,                                                     !- Motor Efficiency
  1,                                                       !- Motor in Airstream Fraction
  FC U12 Mixed Air Outlet,                 !- Fan Inlet Node
  FC U12 Supply Fan Outlet;                !- Fan Outlet Node Name

  FC U12 Cooling Coil,                                   !- Name
  FC Sch,                                                  !- Availability Schedule Name
  0.0334,                                                  !- Design Water Flow Rate of Coil {m3/s}
  30,                                                      !- Design Air Volume Flow Rate {m3/s}
  16,                                                      !- Design Inlet Water Temperature {C}
  28,                                                      !- Design Inlet Air Temperature {C}
  22,                                                      !- Design Outlet Air Temperature {C}
  0.019,                                                !- Design Inlet Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
  0.018,                                                !- Design Outlet Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
  FC U12 Cooling Coil ChW Inlet,                         !- Coil Water Inlet Node
  FC U12 Cooling Coil ChW Outlet,                        !- Coil Water Outlet Node
  FC U12 Supply Fan Outlet,                              !- Air Inlet Node Name
  FC U12 Cooling Coil Outlet,                            !- Air Outlet Node Name
  DetailedAnalysis,                                        !- Type of Analysis
  CrossFlow;                                               !- Heat Exchanger Configuration

    U12 FC Clg Branch,  !- Name
    0.0334,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}   q = h[kW] / ((4.2 kgoC) (1000 kg/m3) dt)    q = 561.850 / (4.2 * 1000 * 4)
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    Coil:Cooling:Water,  !- Component 1 Object Type
    FC U12 Cooling Coil,    !- Component 1 Name
    FC U12 Cooling Coil ChW Inlet,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    FC U12 Cooling Coil ChW Outlet,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Active;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type

  FC U12 Heating Coil,                                   !- Name
  On,                                                     !- Availability Schedule Name
  autosize,                                                !- UA of the Coil {W/K}
  autosize,                                                !- Max Water Flow Rate of Coil {m3/s}
  FC U12 Heating Coil HW Inlet,                          !- Coil Water Inlet Node
  FC U12 Heating Coil HW Outlet,                         !- Coil Water Outlet Node
  FC U12 Cooling Coil Outlet,                            !- Air Inlet Node Name
  U12 Heating Coil Air Outlet,                                   !- Air Outlet Node Name
  UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate,                  !- Performance Input Method      
  autosize,                                                !- Rated Capacity
  82.2,                                                    !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature
  16.6,                                                    !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature
  71.1,                                                    !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature
  32.2,                                                    !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature
  1.0;                                                     !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FC END
! 'BBI FGT Slab - U-1,48'
    RF_Slab,                       !- Name
    2,                       !- Source Present After Layer Number
    2,                      !- Temperature Calculation Requested After Layer Number
    1,                       !- Dimensions for the CTF Calculation
    0.1,                     !- Tube Spacing {m}
    1_2_10003,                                  !- BBI Slab 200 mm Cast Concrete (.2m)      
    1_1_103,                                       !- XPS Extruded Polystyrene  - CO2 Blowing (.0098m)
    3_1_45;                                        ! Aluminium806 - thickness 0,0015 solid 0% open
! 'BBI FGT Slab - U-1,48 <reverse>'
    RF_Slab_R,                       !- Name
    1_2_10003,                                    !- BBI Slab 200 mm Cast Concrete (.2m)   
    1_1_103,                                      !- XPS Extruded Polystyrene  - CO2 Blowing (.0098m)
    3_1_45;                                       ! Aluminium806 - thickness 0,0015 solid 0% open   

! BBI Slab 200 mm Cast Concrete806 - thickness 0,2
Material,1_2_10003,                               !- Material name
   Rough,                                         !- Roughness
    .2,                                           !- Thickness {m}
   1.13,                                          !- Conductivity {w/m-K}
   2000,                                          !- Density {kg/m3}
   1000,                                          !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
   .9,                                            !- Thermal Emittance
   .7,                                            !- Solar Absorptance
   .7;                                            !- Visible Absorptance
! XPS Extruded Polystyrene  - CO2 Blowing806 - thickness 0,0098
Material,1_1_103,                                 !- Material name
   Rough,                                         !- Roughness
    .0098,                                        !- Thickness {m}
   0.034,                                         !- Conductivity {w/m-K}
   35,                                            !- Density {kg/m3}
   1400,                                          !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
   0.9,                                           !- Thermal Emittance
   0.6,                                           !- Solar Absorptance
   0.6;                                           !- Visible Absorptance
! Aluminium806 - thickness 0,0015 solid 0% open
Material,3_1_45,                                  !- Material name
   Rough,                                         !- Roughness
    .0015,                                        !- Thickness {m}
   160.0000,                                      !- Conductivity {w/m-K}
   2800.00,                                       !- Density {kg/m3}
   880.,                                          !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
   0.3,                                           !- Thermal Emittance
   0.3,                                           !- Solar Absorptance
   0.3;                                           !- Visible Absorptance         
    U12 RF Branch,  !- Name
    autosize,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:VariableFlow,  !- Component 1 Object Type
    U12 RF,    !- Component 1 Name
    U12 RF Inlet,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    U12 RF Outlet,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Active;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
    U12 RF HW Branch,  !- Name
    autosize,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
    ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
    ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:VariableFlow,  !- Component 1 Object Type
    U12 RF,    !- Component 1 Name
    U12 RF HW Inlet Node,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
    U12 RF HW Outlet Node,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
    Active;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type   


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Exhaust Fan WC Start

    U12 XFan WC,     !- Name WC Exhaust Fan
    HVACTemplate-Always 1,   !- Availability Schedule Name
    0.7,                     !- Fan Efficiency
    500,                     !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
    7.9836111,            !- Mech ventilation (m3/s)      28741 m³/h
    U12 WC Exhaust Air Node,   !- Air Inlet Node Name
    U12 WC Outside Node,  !- Air Outlet Node Name
    WC Exhaust;         !- End-Use Subcategory
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Exhaust Fan WC End

  U12 ATU,                                !- Name
  U12 Supply Inlet,                       !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
  AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:NoReheat,                     !- Air Terminal Object Type
  U12 VAV Reheat;                         !- Component Name 1

  U12 VAV Reheat,                         !- Name
  HVACTemplate-Always 1,                                   !- Availability Schedule Name
  U12 Supply Inlet,                       !- Air Outlet Node Name
  U12 Zone Equip Inlet,                   !- Air Inlet Node Name
  autosize,                                                !- Maximum air flow rate {m3/s}
  Scheduled,                                                !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
  0.5,                                                       !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
  ,                                                        !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate
  U12 MDF;                                       !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name

airloop ODA controller plant side looks like this
!JMM AirLoop - Supply Side!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  AHU,                                                     !- AirLoop Name
  Sensible,                                                !- Type of Load to Size On
  autosize,                                                !- Design (minimum) outside air volumetric flow rate {m3/s}
  1,                                                       !- Minimum System Air Flow Ratio
  7.2,                                                     !- Preheat design temperature {C}
  0.0116,                                                   !- Preheat design humidity ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air} 0.011785
  22,                                                      !- Precool design temperature {C}
  0.0116,                                                   !- Precool design humidity ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
  22,                                                      !- Central cooling design supply air temperature {C}
  22,                                                       !- Central heating design supply air temperature {C}
  NonCoincident,                                           !- Sizing Option
  Yes,                                                     !- 100% Outdoor Air in Cooling
  Yes,                                                      !- 100% Outdoor Air in Heating
  0.0116,                                                   !- Central cooling design supply air humidity ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
  0.0005,                                                   !- Central heating design supply air humidity ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
  Flow/System,                                             !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
  500,                                                     !- cooling design air flow rate {m3/s} ...was 1420210 m³/h is now 1800000
  Flow/System,                                               !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
  500;                                                       !- heating design air flow rate {m3/s}

  AHU,                                                     !- Name
  AHU Controllers,                                         !- Controller List Name
  AHU Availability Managers,                               !- Availability Manager List Name
  autosize,                                                !- Primary air design volumetric flow rate {m3/s}
  AHU Branches,                                            !- BranchList Name
  ,                                                        !- ConnectorList Name
  !AHU Connector List,                                     !- ConnectorList Name
  EvapCool Air Inlet,                                      !- Supply Side Inlet Node Name
  AHU Return Air Outlet,                                   !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
  AHU Supply Path Inlet,                                   !- Demand Side Inlet Node Names
  !AHU Reheater Outlet;
  DOAS Supply Fan Outlet;                                  !- Supply Side Outlet Node Names

  DOAS Main Branch,                                         !- Name
  autosize,                                                !- Maximum Branch Flow Rate {m3/s}
  ,                                                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
  EvaporativeCooler:Direct:ResearchSpecial,                 !- Comp Type
  Direct Evap Cooler,                                       !- Comp Name
  EvapCool Air Inlet,                                       !- Comp Inlet Node Name
  DOAS Air Loop Inlet,                                      !- Comp Outlet Node Name
  Passive,                                                  !- Comp Branch Control Type
  AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem,                            !- Comp Type
  DOAS OA System,                                           !- Comp Name
  !AHU Air Loop Inlet,                                      !- Comp Inlet Node Name
  DOAS Air Loop Inlet,                                      !- Comp Inlet Node Name
  DOAS Mixed Air Outlet,                                    !- Comp Outlet Node Name
  Passive,                                                 !- Comp Branch Control Type
  Coil:Heating:Water,                                      !- Comp Type
  DOAS Heating Coil,                                        !- Comp Name
  DOAS Mixed Air Outlet,                                    !- Comp Inlet Node Name
  DOAS Heating Coil Air Outlet,                                 !- Comp Outlet Node Name
  Passive,                                                 !- Comp Branch Control Type
  Coil:Cooling:Water,                                      !- Comp Type
  DOAS Cooling Coil,                                        !- Comp Name
  DOAS Heating Coil Air Outlet,                                    !- Comp Inlet Node Name
  DOAS Cooling Coil Air Outlet,                                 !- Comp Outlet Node Name
  Passive,                                                 !- Comp Branch Control Type
  Fan:VariableVolume,                                      !- Comp Type   ConstantVolume
  DOAS Supply Fan,                                          !- Comp Name
  DOAS Cooling Coil Air Outlet,                                 !- Comp Inlet Node Name
  DOAS Supply Fan Outlet,                                   !- Comp Outlet Node Name

  DOAS OA System Equipment,                                 !- Name
  HeatExchanger:AirToAir:SensibleAndLatent,                !- Component Object Type
  DOAS Heat Recovery,                                       !- Controlled Component Name
  OutdoorAir:Mixer,                                        !- Component Object Type
  DOAS OA Mixing Box;                                       !- Controlled Component Name

  DOAS OA Mixing Box,                                       !- Name
  DOAS Mixed Air Outlet,                                    !- Mixed Air Node
  DOAS Heat Recovery Supply Outlet,                         !- Outside Air Stream Node
  DOAS Relief Air Outlet,                                   !- Relief Air Stream Node
  DOAS Air Loop Inlet;                                      !- Return Air Stream Node

  DOAS OA Controller,                                       !- Name
  DOAS Relief Air Outlet,                                   !- Relief Air Outlet Node
  !AHU Air Loop Inlet,                                      !- Return Air Node Name
  DOAS Air Loop Inlet,                                      !- Return Air Node Name
  DOAS Mixed Air Outlet,                                    !- Sensor Node Name
  DOAS Outside Air Inlet,                                   !- Actuated Node
  150,                                                     !- minimum outside air flow rate {m3/s} 30%
  500,                                                     !- maximum outside air flow rate {m3/s}
  NoEconomizer,                                            !- Economizer Control Type   DifferentialDryBulb
  MinimumFlowWithBypass,                                   !- Economizer Control Action Type
  25,                                                      !- Fixed Dry Bulb Temperature Limit {C}
  50000,                                                   !- Fixed Enthalpy Limit {J/kg}
  ,                                                        !- Fixed Dew Point Temperature Limit (C)
  ,                                                        !- Electronic Enthalpy Limit Curve Name
  11,                                                      !- Dry Bulb Temperature Lower Limit {C}
  NoLockout,                                               !- Lockout Type
  ProportionalMinimum,                                     !- Minimum Limit Type
  ,!ODA_rate_Sch,                                          !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
  Min_ODA_Fraction_Sch,                                    !- Minimum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name **Note: This field overrides Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule and Minimum Outdoor Air Flowrate
  Min_ODA_Fraction_Sch,                                    !- Maximum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
  ;!CO2DemandController;                                     !- Mechanical Ventilation Controller Name

! Modified schedule: On
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 1;


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