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I was about to say the same as Linda. In your energyplus folder that comes when you install energyplus, there is a documents subfolder. The main document for referal is the inputoutput referance guide (io ref). search for the object called PEOPLE. This will show you which fields must be filled in to ask the program to calculate comfort factors. Look at the outputs of this object. There you will find a list of output variables that must be declared in your input file (idf) for the program to output these (you ask the program for the outputs you want, not all at once).
If you are really getting started, I would suggest doing the excersizes in the "getting started" documentation and/or downloading a trial version of Design Builder (very good user interface) to get a taste of what is all possible with the energyplus software. Use Design Builder also to export the idf file to learn the effects of your actions. And look at the many example idf files in the energyplus examples folder (also comes with the install).