For solar collectors, those cold temperatures usually come from calculations of panel stagnation temperature at night. These calculations are when the collector is, or might be, “off” and are important for freeze protection controls. Usually the loop starts to flow and the collector is not stagnate in the final result. It is better to ignore those warnings because to get rid of them you would need to run the fluid all the night long. EnergyPlus can model ethylene glycol as the loop fluid, see the input fields called Fluid Type and User Defined Fluid Type in the PlantLoop object. From: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Miroslav Bratanov I get the same warnings too. They show even with the example file SolarCollectorFlatPlateWater.idf. I assume that it is because the fluid in the collector loop is water. That's why the warnings occur when the temperatures are either negative or too high (more than 100 degrees).
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