Dear EnergyPlus users,
Would you please let me know what pressure does exactly the "Reference Barometric Pressure" refer to in the AirflowNetwork:Multizone:ReferenceCrackConditions? I am trying to model the IECC 2012 (International Energy Conservation Code) required crack infiltration to the zones through the luminaires on the ceiling. The code requires a maximum air leakage of 2 cfm (0.044 L/s) when tested at 1.57 psf (75 Pa) for these luminaires. In order to model this maximum leakage condition with the EnergyPlus AirflowNetwork model, am I supposed to enter the zone air pressure (99,425 Pa) or the zone air pressure plus the code required pressure differential i.e.75 Pa (99,425 Pa + 75 Pa = 99,500 Pa)as the "Reference Barometric Pressure"?...and What should be the reference Temperature? Should it be the temperature of the attic above the ceiling or the temperature of the room?
Also, how do you think the IECC 2012 required roof aperture needs to me modeled in EnergyPlus? IECC 2012 requires 1ft2 of aperture on the roof for 300ft2 of ceiling area. I thought of modeling this opening as a low transmission window which is always closed. I thought I would assign a certain C value to this opening that causes ACH values not higher than those calculated with Effective Leakage Area method even at the highest pressure difference between inside and outside... Does this method make sense?...or should I just model this opening as an always open window and let EnergyPlus calculate the resulting ACH?
I would appreciate it very much if you could help me with these questions?
Best Regards,
Simge Andolsun
PhD Candidate
Texas A&M University
College of Architecture