I am having some difficulty setting up multiple HVAC systems serving one zone. The situation is that I am modeling a building with packaged rooftop units as well as exhaust fans. However, I can't model the exhaust fans using the exhaust fan object because the exhaust fans are controlled based on enthalpy differential with outdoor air (as I understand it, exhaust fan availability managers only allow temperature differential).
So I thought I would set up another HVAC system in addition to the RTUs that would function like the exhaust fans (with a supply fan, rather than exhaust, no heating or cooling coils). I could then use an outside air controller to specify the enthapy differential control. The issue I am having is setting up both systems to serve one zone. Do I connect the second system (exhaust system)to the zone inlet node, or upstream of the zone splitter associated with the RTUs? Where do I connect downstream of the zone?
Any help would be much appreciated. Of course, if anyone has a way of getting the exhaust fan object to run on differential enthalpy, I would take suggestions there too!!
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