Helia,If you model a basecase without PCM you should use the same CFD algorithm and settings for the no pcm case, this is why I changed the Heat Balance settings.Without a weather file is can not be said if your cooling loads are from solar or another factor, but knowing that you are in Iran, I assume that your weather file would be a dry hot climate, but am unsure the actual location. Possibly you could attach or reference your weather file. For adiabatic walls you will not want to have sun or wind or outdoors in your adjacency choices, In the previous file I changed them to zone so that the other side of the internal wall partition is assumed to be the same as the zone temperature, but surface or adiabatic would also work for modeling a partition.Linda,I did update using the version updater. Not sure why, but after running version updater and running the file did not have a building object. I just re-ran the file through version updater and ep launch and have attached the files showing this issue. (possibly a bug when going from V5 to V7.2??)
Jeremiah D. Crossett | Senior Analyst | Phase Change Energy Solutions120 E. Pritchard St. | Asheboro, NC 27203 | Mobile 503-688-8951
On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Linda Lawrie <linda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The original file DOES have a building object. The title says "Without PCM". Why didn't you just convert the file using the version updater, Jeremiah?
Also, we have no indication what weather file is being used?
At 10:46 AM 12/23/2012, Jeremiah Crossett wrote:
Sounds like solar loads to me. Hey so I noticed that four of your surfaces where titled to be adiabatic but where actually set to be externally adjacent, that your file was in E+ 5, that you had no building object and that you where running at 12 timesteps. Also I noticed you mention PCM in the file name. I went ahead and updated your file and fixed some issues and have attached it to this email. Possibly your summer cooling loads will make more since with this updated version.Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
Jeremiah D. Crossett | Senior Analyst | Phase Change Energy Solutions
120 E. Pritchard St. | Asheboro, NC 27203 | Mobile 503-688-8951
On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 6:23 AM, Helia Taheri < helia_taheri2003@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
- Hi
- I have problem in cooling load!!!!
- The results are very non logical. For example in all of the days of July, we have a lot increase in cooling load between 8am to 8pm. Although I don't have any people and light schedule.
- Thanks alot.
- Best Regards,
- Helia Taheri
name="13910930 Win 2x1 EP7 Without PCM DIVA new.idf"
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filename="13910930 Win 2x1 EP7 Without PCM DIVA new.idf"
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