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Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] Need help to define Airflow Network

Suggest you use the non-AFN objects such as zonemixing and infiltration and or zone ventilation objects, whilst switching the AFN off. When AFN is simulated these more basic objects are off. So you can easily switch back and forth and compare.

Check out the example files if you are new at building AFNs. Start with a simple 2 zone model to practice.

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On 02.05.2013, at 08:24, Prashant Bhanware <prashantbhanware@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:


Dear Energyplus users,

I need help in defining the airflow network in energyplus as per the attached schematic.

I have one big "air-conditioned" zone and I want the ventilation air to pass through adjacent unconditioned zones. 

Right now I want the quantity of air flow (from conditioned to unconditioned zone) to be controlled & have a definite value.

If I could make it, I would further like to model the air flow due to pressure differences while there are some openings between conditioned & unconditioned zones.


<How to define airflow network.jpg>


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