Great use of grep/cut Edwin! I have to do a few mods since I'm running UnxUtils under Windows and don't have awk, but your grep/cut is a short one-liner to extract the max values.Figuring out the number of floors is messy because you need to lump plenum spaces with room spaces.Thanks for posting!Ralph
Ralph Muehleisen, Ph.D., P.E., LEED AP, FASA, INCE Bd. Cert.Adjunct Associate Professor, Illinois Institute of Technology
Principal Building Scientist, Argonne National Laboratory
cel:708-655-9954 fax:815-301-6757
On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 11:44 AM, Edwin Lee <leeed2001@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:On a terminal, with E+ v8, you could get the max z-coordinate for each zone in the idf using the following:grep 'Zone Information' eplusout.eio | grep -v '^!' | cut -d, -f18
Then if you needed to get the maximum value of all zones, to get the max height of the entire building,grep 'Zone Information' eplusout.eio | grep -v '^!' | cut -d, -f18 | awk 'BEGIN {max = 0} {if ($1>max) max=$1} END {print max}'
EdwinOn Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 10:27 AM, muehleisen <muehleisen@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,
I've searched the group archive and googled to no avail. I'm trying to see if anyone has written a script or knows of a program that will extract basic building geometry info from an IDF file or one of the EnergyPlus output files. I thought I'd see if anyone else has solved this problem before I try write a script to do it myself.
I specifically want to be able to estimate the total building height and number of floors.
Ralph T Muehleisen
Principal Building Scientist, Argonne National Laboratory
--Edwin Lee, PhDOklahoma State University--Edwin Lee, PhDOklahoma State University