I am taking a look at new construction office building from the latest DOE benchmark buildings released. I am having some difficulty understanding the COP that is being reported as a variable. When 'Chiller COP (W/W)' is reported i get hourly values between 9 - 11 which is excessive for a chiller performance. However, if we report the Chiller Evaporator Cooling Rate and the Chiller Fuel consumption instead and then do a post calculation for the COP we get more reasonable value of 6-7.
My first
question is whether anyone has had experience with the benchmark models and the reported COP being so high, secondly, shouldn't the chiller COP output and the division of Evap Cooling Rate over Chiller Fuel be equal? That's how the COP is defined in the I/O reference hence why I am confused.
I appreciate any help on this. Thank you for your time.