So this air handler is currently a large dual duct air handler with 2 fans which pressurize a plenum that goes to a hot and cold deck. These decks are not currently separated. One of the VFD's on these fans has failed and we are looking at retrofitting the air handlers with fan walls.
I am trying to do a two part model and am looking for help in this two part process:
1) The first part is just looking at the savings from converting from an old fan to a fan wall. I am assuming that having six smaller fans will allow for a high efficiency and by reducing our electric cost. Is there a template to do this or does anybody have an example?
2) The second part of the model is looking at a long term conversion to a dual duct/dual fan system but I am, again, stuck wondering if there is an easy way to do this or if anybody has actually tried to break up the mixed air between six fans etc...