ÂDear All,I am getting following warnings though m3/s/W is in the proscribed limit. For instance VAV Sys 1 has m3/s/W of 4.07X10^-5 which is within the range but still getting following repetitive warning. I would appreciate any help on this.  ** Warning ** CalcDoe2DXCoil: Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed="VAV SYS 1 COOLING COIL" - Air volume flow rate per watt of rated total cooling capacity is out of range at 1.465E-005 m3/s/W.  **  ~~~  **  Environment=SUMMER DESIGN DAY IN UNTITLED, at Simulation time=03/31 00:00 - 00:30  **  ~~~  ** Expected range for VolumeFlowPerRatedTotalCapacity=[2.684E-005--6.713E-005]  **  ~~~  ** Possible causes include inconsistent air flow rates in system components,  **  ~~~  ** or variable air volume [VAV] system using incorrect coil type.--Javed Iqbal, LEED AP, CEASr. Energy AnalystÂ--James V Dirkes II, PE, BEMP, LEED AP
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The body must be given a little less than it needs. Otherwise it will turn traitor.