If you have no better information about the equipment, then you should assume that you don't need the coil to be active when outdoor air temps are below zero.
There are many ways to stop equipment operation: seasonal scheduling, outdoor air temperature monitoring with availability managers, ems, etc.
ÂSorry for my late response. I had not access to Internet.Thank you very much for your reply. In my IDF file, I used "HVAC Template Zone: PTAC" for my HVAC system. I did not created any object in "performance curves" group.Âso are you saying that, I should add some objects (from performance curves group), to my IDF file ? Is it really required ? Actually I used E+ HVAC templates to avoid adding detailed information because I do not have knowledge about HVAC system and nodes.ÂAnd , is this warning really important?Is it required to solve this warning ?  I am trying to find the whole Energy consumption of a building .  does this warning affects the result of the simulation for the building energy consumption.Thank you again.Tilak
Posted by: Jean Marais <jeannieboef@xxxxxxxxx>
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