ÂHi everyone,
Following ASHRAE 90.1-2007 appendix G clause G3.1.3.2 to understand number of boilers (1 or 2 actually) for baseline system is straightforward because it is only determined by conditioned floor area to be served, but I have a question regarding the boiler size.
For whatever number of boilers to be used, should I leave its capacity to be autosized or I may need to give hard sized value that comes from sizing run? If the answer is autosize, it would be a simple case as when two boilers are required, they should be equally sized. In this case I don't understand what equal size really means since they are both autosized?
Any advice would be highly appreciated!
--James V Dirkes II, PE, BEMP, LEED AP
The Building Performance Team Inc.
1631 Acacia Dr, GR, Mi 49504
Direct: 616.450.8653
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