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RE: [EnergyPlus_Support] Reviewer Comment



Basically, the answer is yes. There is usually one node per zone.


You will find some help answering this question in the following article:


Oh, S., Haberl, J. 2015. “Origins of the Methods for Simulation of Building Energy Simulation: Part I: Whole Building Energy Use” published in Science and Technology for the Building Environment,  Taylor & Francis.




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Jeff S. Haberl, Ph.D.,P.E.inactive,FASHRAE,FIBPSA,......jhaberl@xxxxxxxx
Professor........................................................................Office Ph: 979-845-6507
Department of Architecture............................................Lab Ph:979-845-6065
Energy Systems Laboratory...........................................FAX: 979-862-2457
Texas A&M University...................................................77843-3581
College Station, Texas, USA, 77843..............................URL:www.esl.tamu.edu
8=/  8=)  :=)  8=)  ;=)  8=)  8=()  8=)  :=)  8=)  8=!  8=)  8=? 8=) 8=0



From: EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, February 29, 2016 4:33 AM
To: yahoogroups <energyplus_support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [EnergyPlus_Support] Reviewer Comment



Dear All,

I need some commentary supports in view of the following comment form a reviewer. 

"Energy Plus is using single node model of the zone which is not very good for big spaces like the factory" ... is it correct?


Sajal Chowdhury
B.Arch.(BUET), M.Arch.(BUET), M.Eng.(HU,Japan)C.


Posted by: "Haberl, Jeff" <jhaberl@xxxxxxxx>

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