I am modelling a LEED project, and coming across an issue with modelling on "riding pump curve" for hot water pump when using ASHRAE 90.1-2007 App G (G3.1.3.5). I am quite certain the pump should be a constant speed pump but it needs to deliver variable flow by riding the pump curve. How can I really model it in EnergyPlus?
Any advice would be very much appreciated.
--James V Dirkes II, PE, BEMP, LEED AP
The Building Performance Team Inc.
1631 Acacia Dr, GR, Mi 49504
Direct: 616.450.8653
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Goodhartâ??s Law: â??Any observed statistical regularity will tend to collapse once pressure is placed upon it for control purposesâ??
Attachment not found: D:\Eudora\Attach\Pump riding Curve.xlsx