Dear All,
I am using ecoroof to model a real green roof. I am using the following variables to perform the daily heat balance:
- Surface Outside Face Solar Radiation Heat Gain Rate per Area;
- Surface Outside Face Convection Heat Gain Rate per Area;
- Surface Outside Face Net Thermal Radiation Heat Gain Rate per Area;
- Green Roof Vegetation Sensible Heat Transfer Rate per Area;
- Green Roof Vegetation Latent Heat Transfer Rate per Area;
- Green Roof Soil Sensible Heat Transfer Rate per Area;
- Green Roof Soil Latent Heat Transfer Rate per Area;
- Surface Average Face Conduction Heat Transfer Rate per Area;
- Surface Heat Storage Rate per Area;
- Surface Inside Face Convection Heat Gain Rate per Area;
- Surface Inside Face Net Thermal Radiation Heat Gain Rate per Area.
In this process, I have noticed that the variables "Surface Outside Face Convection..." and "Surface Outside Face Net Thermal..." do not give results to surfaces modelling in "material:roof vegetation". It seems that these variables are accounted in the Sensible and Latent Heat Transfers equations. Is there any possibility to account for these variables of convection and net termal radiation outside heat gains? Even without these, heat balances match with an approximate difference of 2%.
Thank you in advance.
Sergio Parizotto Filho
Arquiteto e Urbanista / Mestre em Engenharia Civil
Professor do Curso Técnico em Edificações do
Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina - IFSC / Campus Canoinhas