The 2nd.
 "Standard Rated Net COP [W/W]" from DX Cooling Coils table (where ANSI/AHRI ratings account for supply air fan heat and electric power).
ÂDear all,
I have a question about how to model correctly a VAV system 5 of a baseline model in a LEED project.
My question is about how to set the DX cooling coil COP in the object Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed.
The object is set in this form.
   VAV-PC-01B AHU 4 Unitary Cooling Coil DX Cooling Coil, !- Name
   On 24/7,                !- Availability Schedule Name
   autosize,               !- Gross Rated Total Cooling Capacity {W}
   autosize,               !- Gross Rated Sensible Heat Ratio
   2.87,                   !- Gross Rated Cooling COP {W/W}
   autosize,               !- Rated Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   773.300000,             !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate {W/(m3/s)}
   VAV-PC-01B AHU 4 Mixed Air Outlet, !- Air Inlet Node Name
   VAV-PC-01B AHU 4 Unitary Cooling Coil DX Cooling Coil Air Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
   DXClgCoilTotalClgCapFuncTemperature, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
   DXClgCoilTotalClgCapFuncFlowFraction, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
   DXClgCoilEnergyInputRatioFuncTemperature, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Temperature Curve Name
   DXClgCoilEnergyInputRatioFuncFlowFraction, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
   DXCoilPartLoadFractionCorrelation, !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
   0.0,                    !- Nominal Time for Condensate Removal to Begin {s}
   0.0,                    !- Ratio of Initial Moisture Evaporation Rate and Steady State Latent Capacity {dimensionless}
   0.0,                    !- Maximum Cycling Rate {cycles/hr}
   0.0,                    !- Latent Capacity Time Constant {s}
   ,                       !- Condenser Air Inlet Node Name
   AirCooled,              !- Condenser Type
   0.90,                   !- Evaporative Condenser Effectiveness {dimensionless}
   autosize,               !- Evaporative Condenser Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   0.00,                   !- Evaporative Condenser Pump Rated Power Consumption {W}
   0.000,                  !- Crankcase Heater Capacity {W}
   10.00,                  !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Crankcase Heater Operation {C}
   ,                       !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
   ,                       !- Condensate Collection Water Storage Tank Name
   0.000,                  !- Basin Heater Capacity {W/K}
   2.00,                   !- Basin Heater Setpoint Temperature {C}
   On 24/7;                !- Basin Heater Operating Schedule Name
the DX coil should be consistent with ashrae tab 6.8.1A minimum efficiencies for example a value of COP of 2.78.
The html E+ output file report for my cooling coil 2 type of COP: the "Nominal Efficiency [W/W]" from cooling coils table (anche where Nominal values are gross at rated conditions, i.e., the supply air fan heat and electric power NOT accounted for) and "Standard Rated Net COP [W/W]" from DX Cooling Coils table (where ANSI/AHRI ratings account for supply air fan heat and electric power).
I don't understand which of these 2 COP values should be consistent with values reported in the overmentioned ASHRAE table.
Posted by: Jean Marais <jeannieboef@xxxxxxxxx>
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