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[EnergyPlus_Support] Re: EnergyPlus Crashed-- V8.5

Th response was  about the error that the crash did not show and I got from energyplus support as 
** Severe ** ScanPlantLoopsForNodeNum: Plant Node was not found as inlet node (for component) on any plant loops
** ~~~ ** Node Name="CC1 WATER INLET NODE"
** ~~~ ** called by MyPlantSizingIndex
** ~~~ ** Possible error in Branch inputs. For more information, look for other error messages related to this node name.
** Warning ** MyPlantSizingIndex: Could not find chilled water coil with name COIL COOLING WATER 1 on any plant loop
** Severe ** Autosizing of water coil requires a cooling loop Sizing:Plant object
** ~~~ ** Occurs in water coil object= COIL COOLING WATER 1
** Fatal ** Preceding water coil sizing errors cause program termination
...Summary of Errors that led to program termination:
..... Reference severe error count=2


 Posted by: rajeevkamal@xxxxxxxxx

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