This isn't going to work like what you think. Set it up as realistically as you can. For example, start on the precious day and schedule the HVAC to turn off the next day at the required time. The starting temperatures will be what they are. They will be different depending on the day and the weather. There will be variance. That is real life.
On 3 Jun 2016 3:48 pm, "
l.pamich@xxxxxxxxx [EnergyPlus_Support]" <
EnergyPlus_Support@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello everyone,
I'm really new to the Enrgyplus , I'm trying to improve my knowledge about this program due to a project I have to do.
I am guessing if some of you energyplus users can give me some tips to realize an easy model, wich I'm going to improve later on step by step.
The project consist in analizing the temperature trend of a room, with internal load, located between many other rooms not at ground floor (for this I'm using Sketch up thermal zone modelling).
It is a short period analysis, around a couple of hours. I'm trying to understand this trend, but my question is: how do I set different temperature starting conditions in each dfferent adjcent rooms, considering that the air conditioning stops in those rooms at the beggining of the analysis ( so i know the starting mean temperature), without simulating the previous time with all HVAC system and wather data?