ÂOne of idf model I am working is showing me the Controller error as bellow for all the VAV Cooling coil controller
** Severe  ** FindRootSimpleController: Controller error for controller = "VAV_1_COOLC_CONTROLLER"
  **  ~~~  **  Environment=ANNUAL, at Simulation time=01/27 18:40 - 18:50
  **  ~~~  **  Controller function is inconsistent with user specified controller action = "" action
  **  ~~~  **  Actuator will be set to maximum action
  **  ~~~  ** Controller control type=Temperature
  **  ~~~  ** Controller temperature setpoint = 12.40 [C]
  **  ~~~  ** Controller sensed temperature = 16.65 [C]
  **  ~~~  ** Controller actuator mass flow rate set to 10.87 [kg/s]
  **  ~~~  ** Controller actuator temperature = 16.67 [C]
  **  ~~~  **  Note: Chilled water coils should be reverse action and the entering chilled
  **  ~~~  **     water temperature (controller actuator temperature) should be below the setpoint temperature
  **  ~~~  **  Note: Hot water coils should be normal action and the entering hot
  **  ~~~  **     water temperature (controller actuator temperature) should be above the setpoint temperature
I have set the ChilledWater coils to reverse action and my Controller is using setpointmanager as
  VAV_1_CoolC SAT Manager, !- Name
  Temperature,       !- Control Variable
  VAV_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node,  !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
  VAV_1_HeatC-VAV_1_FanNode,  !- Fan Inlet Node Name
  VAV_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node,  !- Fan Outlet Node Name
  VAV_1_CoolC-VAV_1_HeatCNode;  !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
*************  ** Severe  ** FindRootSimpleController: Previous controller action error continues for controller = VAV_1_COOLC_CONTROLLER
  *************  **  ~~~  **  This error occurred 11 total times;
  *************  **  ~~~  **  during Warmup 0 times;
  *************  **  ~~~  **  during Sizing 0 times.
I get 48 of these warnings with year of simulation. Can this be ignored safely considering only 12 times in a year for each controller.