You can edit weather file using following software.
Thank you for your response. How about high rise building? Temperature and wind speed are going to be change with altitude. How can I export these data with measured data?
Serter Iyigunlu
Mechanical Engineer
From: < > on behalf of Jim Dirkes [EnergyPlus_Support] < >
Sent: Tuesday, 6 September 2016 11:33 PM
Subject: Re: [EnergyPlus_Support] custom weather dataÂÂI think you have a misunderstanding of "weather". Weather is not different on each facade. Rather, some variables (e.g., surface temperature, solar gains, ground reflectance, shading) differ due to building shape, exposure to sun or adjacent shading or time of day, but the weather is the same for all.EnergyPlus accounts for all of these. You can report the differences if you wish to do so and then compare them with measured variables, but the weather file is a constant reference. You can also edit / customize a weather file to reflect local variations from TMY data for variables such as dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures.
On Mon, Sep 5, 2016 at 1:57 AM, serteri@xxxxxxxxxxx [EnergyPlus_Support] < > wrote:
How am I going to create a weather file that includes all four facades of building weather data and also all level of the building weather data into one weather file? I intend to install four sets of sensors (temperature,humidity and wind speed sensor) on one facade and the sensors will be installed four facades of the building. And also I do not want EnergyPlus to calculate CHTC for internal and external of the building. I would like to use CFD program to calculate and send these values to EnergyPlus because I will assess high-level building (30 levels at least).
I would like to use my weather file into the EnergyPlus. And also I would like to measure weather data for all levels of the building and use these data in EnergyPlus. I do not know how to do it. Could you please help me about that? How am I going to enter these values in to the weather file or is there any way to do it with Energy+.
Thank you
James V Dirkes II, PE, BEMP, LEED AP
The Building Performance Team Inc.
1631 Acacia Dr, GR, Mi 49504
Direct: 616.450.8653
Website l  LinkedIn | May 2016 ASHRAE Journal article on energy modeling
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