I am simulating a water heater heat pump served by baseboard heaters (object: ZoneHVAC:Basebiard:Convective:Water) in a domestic building. I have a question about the operation of baseboard heaters in energyplus. I have read a paper saying that "All baseboard models in EnergyPlus are intended to meet any remaining zone load that other heating systems have not met at each time step." Is that correct?
When I simulated my own building with water heater integrated in it, I asked as outputs the runtime fractions of the Coil:WaterHeating:AirToWaterHeatPump:Pumped and the WaterHeater:Mixed as well. I noticed that even when the runtime fractions of these two objects are zero, the indoor air temperatures inside the zones were 20 degrees Celsius. Is this because of the baseboard heater? If my HVAC system is not working, what is making the indoor temperature to be maintained?