Hi All,
I have a simple one-zone geometry and I am using AirflowNetwork and IdealLoadAirSystem. For the air flow network I use â??surface average calculationâ?? for wind pressure coefficient. Â I have two windows in one wall in my main model. When I add only one window to â??AirFlowNwtwork:Multizone:
Surfaceâ?? the simulation goes well, but when I add the second window in the same wall I get this error:
Severe ** DualSetPointWithDeadBand: Unanticipated combination of heating and cooling loads - report to EnergyPlus Development Team
  **  ~~~  ** occurs in Zone=ZONE ONE During Warmup & Sizing, Environment=SYDNEY WINTER, at Simulation time=01/21 00:00 - 00:10
  **  ~~~  ** LoadToHeatingSetPoint=NAN, LoadToCoolingSetPoint=NAN
  **  ~~~  ** Zone Heating Set-point=21.00
  **  ~~~  ** Zone Cooling Set-point=24.00
  **  ~~~  ** Zone TempDepZnLd=NAN
  **  ~~~  ** Zone TempIndZnLd=NAN
  **  ~~~  ** Zone ThermostatSetPoint=0.00
  ** Fatal ** Program terminates due to above conditions.
Any ideas what the problem is?
I had a look at this post (https://unmethours.com/
question/18510/severe-error- ), but could not find the answer.unanticipated-combination-of- heating-and-cooling-loads/ Thanks,
--Javed Iqbal, LEED AP, CEASr. Energy AnalystÂ