Hi everyone,I am working on a single zone office  model in EnergyPlus. I determined cooling setpoint  23° C and heating setpoint  20°C  for office hours. but it tries to keep temperature around 20°C all the time and it increases the cooling load of model a lot. I checked all schedules, setpoints, outdoor temperature over and over again. Unfortunately couldn't find the reason. any advice?ÂThank you in advance.Suzan--James V Dirkes II, CEO / President
The Building Performance Team Inc.
1631 Acacia Dr, GR, MI 49504(alphabet soup of efforts for greater understanding: PE, BEMP, BCxP, LEED AP)
Direct / Mobile: 616.450.8653
Website l  LinkedIn
Coffee conversation: The very idea of progress among the changing things of this world logically presupposes a goal that cannot progress; a truth, a good, an end that is eternal, rigid, unchangeable, and absolute.
For if the finish line â??progressesâ?? as the runners do, they cannot make progress toward it. If the second baseman picks up second base and runs to third as fast as the runner on first base runs toward the second, the runner can never progress to second.
That (above) is an argument for â??absolute Truthâ??. What say you?