There are four zones and each zone is oriented in different direction and it is obvious that in such kind of situations, one can expect peak cooling load occurs at different time since the zone's orientation is different .
In energy plus I observed if we size as per the design day, we will see the peak cooling load of each and every zone on the same design day and at different times....
at the same, I also observed if we size as per weather file days, then I could see the peak is occuring on different days and at different times.....
which one I should consider for desining? is it design day or weather file days? as the design as per weather file days is more sensible than design day?
Design days are taken from EPW files ,where there will be only one design day. it can be either 7/21, or 5/21 for summer. my question is it can be someother day as well where the peak can be still greater than 5/21. why only 5/21 or 7/21?