Hello.I keep getting these severe errors: ** Severe ** ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Compact="OCUP_SALAS" has overlapping days in its schedule pointers  ** Severe ** ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Compact="OCUP_SALAS BER?" has overlapping days in its schedule pointers  ** Severe ** ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Compact="OCUP_VARS" has overlapping days in its schedule pointers  ** Severe ** ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Compact="OCUP_AUD" has overlapping days in its schedule pointers  ** Severe ** ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Compact="OCUP_SERV_COZ" has overlapping days in its schedule pointers   ** Severe ** ProcessScheduleInput: Schedule:Compact="OCUP_SERV_PROF" has overlapping days in its schedule pointers I looked it up a hundred times and I coudn't fix the error. I would appreciate if someone could give it a look.Thank you !!--Thais Gonçalves Sartori(27) 99903 4665Arquiteta - A66010-8Mestre em Engenharia CivilCurrÃculo Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/8848943203048272