[Equest-users] eQUEST building skin effects in cooling but notheating

Karen Walkerman kwalkerman at gmail.com
Thu Dec 4 10:09:55 PST 2008

If you have a cooling design day specified, but no heating design day
specified, then the design day report will only give you cooling design, and
not heating design.  The program default design days should include both.


On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 11:51 AM, <Gary.Schrader at tac.com> wrote:

>  Brian,
> You have a significant amount of light and occupant load in your building.
> Are you using a heating design day? Does that design day call for a heating
> design day schedule? Does that heating design day schedule shut down the
> lights/occupants during the course of the day such that no light/occupant
> load is contributed to the space during the heating season?
> My prediction is that your lights/occupants/etc. are still scheduled during
> the winter months and thus your building doesn't NEED heat. Check your
> schedules to ensure that the above items are "off" during the winter months
> such that the room isn't heating itself.
> Another way to prove this would be to run an hourly report and check to see
> if your cooling coil(s) is/are in use during all days of the year.
> Just an idea of where to start.
> Thanks,
> *Gary Schrader
> *Engineer I
> *TAC
> *16011 College Blvd, Suite 212
> Lenexa, KS  66219
>   Direct: +1  Fax: +1 913-469-0206 Mobile: +1 913-217-8068 Email:
> Gary.Schrader at tac.com Web: www.tac.com
> Notice: This email message, together with any attachments, contains
> information of TAC, which may be confidential, proprietary, copyrighted
> and/or legally privileged. This email is intended solely for the use of the
> individual or entity named on the message. If you are not the intended
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> return by email and then delete it.
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org [mailto:
> equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] *On Behalf Of *Brian Davis
> *Sent:* Thursday, December 04, 2008 10:44 AM
> *To:* equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
> *Subject:* [Equest-users] eQUEST building skin effects in cooling but
> notheating
>  I am using the refrigeration version of equest 3.61 and have several
> zones within the building which have exterior walls and roof.  The equest
> output notes loads in cooling for them but not in heating while other zones
> properly indicate loads for both cooling and heating, has anyone else run
> across this and can suggest something for me to check.  The output is listed
> below.
> REPORT- LS-B Space Peak Load Components     EL1 NNE Perim Spc
> (G.NNE16)                     WEATHER FILE- Baltimore    MD TMY2
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> SPACE  EL1 NNE Perim Spc (G.NNE16)
>                     MULTIPLIER        1.0          FLOOR MULTIPLIER
> 1.0
>                     FLOOR  AREA     28544  SQFT      2652   M2
>                     VOLUME         513785  CUFT     14550   M3
>                                           COOLING
> LOAD                               HEATING  LOAD
> ==========================                ==========================
>     TIME                                    AUG  3
> 7PM
>     DRY-BULB TEMP                      93 F             34 C
>     WET-BULB TEMP                      76 F             24 C
>     TOT HORIZONTAL SOLAR RAD           80 BTU/H.SQFT   252 W/M2
>     WINDSPEED AT SPACE                5.3 KTS          2.7 M/S
>     CLOUD AMOUNT 0(CLEAR)-10            0
>                                   SENSIBLE
> LATENT                              SENSIBLE
>                             (KBTU/H)    ( KW )  (KBTU/H)  ( KW
> )                     (KBTU/H)  ( KW )
>                             --------    ------  --------
> ------                     --------  --------
>      WALL CONDUCTION           4.394     1.287     0.000
> 0.000                        0.000     0.000
>      ROOF CONDUCTION          28.204     8.264     0.000
> 0.000                        0.000     0.000
>      WINDOW GLASS+FRM COND     0.000     0.000     0.000
> 0.000                        0.000     0.000
>      WINDOW GLASS SOLAR        0.000     0.000     0.000
> 0.000                        0.000     0.000
>      DOOR CONDUCTION           0.000     0.000     0.000
> 0.000                        0.000     0.000
>      INTERNAL SURFACE COND     0.000     0.000     0.000
> 0.000                        0.000     0.000
>      UNDERGROUND SURF COND    -0.666    -0.195     0.000
> 0.000                        0.000     0.000
>      OCCUPANTS TO SPACE       18.451     5.406    15.444
> 4.525                        0.000     0.000
>      LIGHT     TO SPACE      144.060    42.209     0.000
> 0.000                        0.000     0.000
>      EQUIPMENT TO SPACE        0.000     0.000     0.000
> 0.000                        0.000     0.000
>      PROCESS   TO SPACE        0.000     0.000     0.000
> 0.000                        0.000     0.000
>      INFILTRATION              1.692     0.496     2.090
> 0.612                        0.000     0.000
>                             --------   -------   -------
> ------                     --------  --------
>      TOTAL                   196.134    57.467    17.534
> 5.137                        0.000     0.000
>      TOTAL / AREA              0.007     0.022     0.001
> 0.002                        0.000     0.000
>      TOTAL LOAD              213.669 KBTU/H       62.605
> KW                  0.000 KBTU/H        0.000  KW
>      TOTAL LOAD / AREA         7.49  BTU/H.SQFT   23.609
> W/M2                0.000 BTU/H.SQFT    0.000  W/M2
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