[Equest-users] Extenal Roof and Interior floors

Brian Fountain bfountain at greensim.com
Thu May 22 06:42:50 PDT 2008

Typically, what I do is leave the roof off in the wizard on the shells 
with partial roof exposure (and on where the shell has full roof 
exposure).  In the detailed mode, where a defined space has a fully 
exposed roof, you can simply add an exposed roof to the top of that 
zone.  The issue is when a space has a partially exposed roof.  Here, 
there are two options, the selection of which depends on my client and 
their understanding and expectations.  The simple method is to define a 
roof of equivalent area to the exposed portion (I usually add a 
rectangle).  This adds the appropriate thermal roof load to the space -- 
but doesn't look good in the 3D view. 

Or --  you can define a new polygon in the detailed interface that 
represents the shape of the exposed roof.  Then you create the exposed 
roof portion, link its shape to the new polygon and locate it correctly 
with respect to the space -- this gives you the 3D view.  I have done 
both -- depend on how important that 3D view is to my client 
(surprisingly important sometimes). 

It does have to be accomplished at a space-by-space level.  
Occasionally, I will modify my zoning to take the roof exposure into 
account to make the process easier.


Marcus Eliason wrote:
> Can you go into greater detail about how you acomplish this.  I have been
> playing with it in the Detailed Mode but cannot seem to figure out how to
> re-draw the roof boundaries to define my exposed/unexposed areas.
> Marcus Eliason
> From: Brian Fountain <bfountain at greensim.com>
> Subject: Re: [Equest-users] Extenal Roof and Interior floors
> To: Christina Galyfianaki
> 	<Christina.Galyfianaki at hurleypalmerflatt.com>
> Cc: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
> Message-ID: <483381C4.4080504 at greensim.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Yup - eQUEST builds an external roof over your entire lower shells if
> you define a roof for the shell, not just the exposed bits.  So, if you
> have a building with decreasing footprints, you either have to add roofs
> in in the detailed edit and leave them out of the wizard, or define them
> in the wizard and then delete the non-exposed sections in the detailed
> interface.  This is one of my biggest frustrations with eQUEST -- mostly
> because it was a client who caught this one for me as I had triple the
> roof area of the actual building (not good for credibility).
> Brian
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