[Equest-users] eQuest Program Help

John Aulbach jra_sac at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 13 12:05:51 PDT 2009

chematic Angelina:
This 3-D view is created from the Schematic Mode. If you are in the Design Development Wizard, and you HAVE a shell created for every floor, you need to UNcheck the "Floor Mulitpliers" check box on the first screen. Your floors should then appear.
John Aulbach

--- On Mon, 4/13/09, Kalianda, Angelina <Angelina.Kalianda at aecom.com> wrote:

From: Kalianda, Angelina <Angelina.Kalianda at aecom.com>
Subject: Re: [Equest-users] eQuest Program Help
To: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Date: Monday, April 13, 2009, 11:32 AM

Hi all,
I have a similar question regarding “floating building”.  I had a multiple of 16 floor “above grade” to model 16 stories with the same floor plan.  But in the 3d view, it shows only a few of the floors, the rest of them are missing (middle floors).  The info explanation says that the program only models 3 floors (bottom, middle and top) and multiplies the middle floors.  The energy usage seems to include those “missing floors”.  Is it just a program fluke in the 3d view?

From: equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org [mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Antonio Mendoza
Sent: Monday, April 13, 2009 10:56 AM
To: equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
Subject: Re: [Equest-users] eQuest Program Help
Thank you guys for your help on my e-mail below.  It was extremely helpful and I was able to figure out the "floating building" issue as well as gain a better understanding about the program...  
Have any of you seen the following error:
"Error retrieving EG_MoEU_ED CSV simulation results for table 'Electric Consumption (kWh)' (returned -3)"?
I'm assuming it has something to do with my Utilities inputs, but I was able to run a similar simulation with the same Utilities inputs and I didn't have any issues with that simulation.
Any insights?  
Thank you,


Antonio Mendoza
architecture|engineering|interior design
228 East 45th Street
New York, NY 10017
212.681.0200 x221 (phone) 
212.681.0201 (fax)
amendoza at ha-ny.com


From: Antonio Mendoza 
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 3:39 PM
To: 'equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org'
Subject: eQuest Program Help

To my fellow eQuets users:


I have the following questions regarding the eQuest program and I was wondering if someone could help me out (I am self taught and still new to the program, so please forgive my lack of knowledge):


1)    I am currently modeling a building with a custom footprint shape.  Different parts of my building have floors at varying elevations (i.e. I have a gym that is 45' high with the floor at ground level connected to a multi-story exercise complex with 3 floors including a basement and all this is connected to another gym that is 30' high with the floor at basement level).  Due to the complexity of the shape, I have chosen to model the building using seperate shells (one shell for each floor of the multi-story exercise complex and two seperate shells for the two seperate gyms).  I have located the first input shell 'via coordinates' and then the following shells via coordinates in reference to the first input shell.  After going through the motions of modeling the rest of the building I click on the 3-D geometry view tab and the building shells are floating in different locations, not attached to one another like I (thought I) specified. 
 What could possilby be the cause of this?  And, how do I fix it so that the shells are attached?


2)    After running a simulation of the building, I obtain graphical results of the "baseline design".  Is this the building as described by my design?  Initially, I thought that this was my "as-designed" building.  However, the energy analysis calls for my design to be compared to the baseline design?  The title "baseline design" is confusing me.  If this is not my designed building, how can I view the performance of my designed building.  


3)    It seems that the only options to compare the inputs with are for California T-24 Code.  Is there a way to compare the results to ASHRAE 90.1 in the eQuest program?


I know I sound extremely confused and that is because I truly am.  I appreciate any help that anyone can give me.


Thank you,


Antonio Mendoza
architecture|engineering|interior design
228 East 45th Street
New York, NY 10017
212.681.0200 x221 (phone) 
212.681.0201 (fax)
amendoza at ha-ny.com

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