[Equest-users] Example inp files for LEED office buildings

Chuck Ladd chuck at williardferm.com
Wed Apr 29 08:19:58 PDT 2009

Have you looked at this web site?

It may have what you need, but I'm not sure.



Charles Ladd, PE, AIA
Principal Engineer
Williard Ferm Architects, PA
122 Cox Avenue
Raleigh, NC, 27605
W: 919.834.0620 ext. 106
F: 919.834.2149
chuck at williardferm.com

On Apr 27, 2009, at 10:44 AM, Josh Doherty wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I am trying to finalize the last details on an eQuest model of an  
> office building that will be going for LEED certification.  This is  
> the first project I will be submitting and I am just a bit  
> questionable as to whether or not the baseline (compliant with  
> 90.1-2004) is complete and that I have crossed all my t’s and dotted  
> all my i’s..  Does anybody know if there is a source of example  
> eQuest inp files for projects meeting the 90.1-2004 baseline  
> criteria that newer users could review?  If I had my pick, I would  
> prefer a model for an office building about 50,000 sqft.  It would  
> be extremely helpful to see projects that have gone through the  
> necessary certification and review process, but I am not sure if  
> “sharing” projects is a common practice.  Any input would be  
> appreciated.  Thank you.
> Josh Doherty
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