[Equest-users] Equipment Sizing and % Hrs in Throttling Range

Mathew Higgins higgins at edi-arch.com
Mon Jan 19 12:50:28 PST 2009

Thanks Eric & Karen. I spaced on the (.inp)'s, now attached.

Matthew Higgins, LEED AP + ASHRAE-HBDP
Technical Specialist
Environmental Dynamics, Inc.
Architecture and Sustainability Consulting Services

Any data provided by the Consultant, verbal or written, are to be considered opinions of building energy and/or daylight performance. The Client understands that the Consultant has no control of occupant habits, equipment or material performance or characteristics, site or climate conditions or the Contractor's method of assembly, and that the Consultant's opinions regarding building energy/daylight performance are made on the basis of the Consultant's professional judgment and experience. The Consultant makes no warranty, express or implied, that the energy/daylight performance of the building will not vary from the Consultant's opinion of building energy/daylight performance.

Eric O'Neill wrote:

>Like Karen mentioned, without the inp files we can't really figure out
>what's going on. I don't know how you specified it in the wizard files
>(because the after file doesn't have the GSHP setup) but there is one
>thing I would check. In the wizard, when specifying the GSHP, check if
>you have a system per zone (not floor or shell) set up. 
>If not, it will set up the GSHP with a single zone controlling every
>other zone, and just having the terminal reheat set up as "Heat Pump"
>doesn't seem to fix the issue. So you'll find the control zone has very
>few hours under heated/cooled, where as the rest of the zones under that
>system will be at the control zone's mercy (if the loads are similar to
>the control zone, you'll have fewer under heated/cooled hours than if
>they are substantially different). 
>-----Original Message-----
>From: equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org
>[mailto:equest-users-bounces at lists.onebuilding.org] On Behalf Of Mathew
>Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2009 4:59 PM
>To: Equest-users at lists.onebuilding.org
>Subject: [Equest-users] Equipment Sizing and % Hrs in Throttling Range
>All - I'm trying to resolve a gshp school system model, to reduce the 
>number of hours outside of throttling range for LEED purposes. I have 
>scowered multiple threads talking about sizing, throttling range, min 
>air flow ratios, reverse-action TSTATs, night-setback, gshp's, etc. and 
>have applied suggestions with minimal result. The only way I can take 
>considerable hours out of the % not in throttling range is if I increase
>sizing ratios way beyond design capacities and strip out everything that
>makes the model accurately reflect design conditions.
>I've attached the before and after (.pd2) files for reference, however 
>results are still not seen. SS-R reports indicate hours in the 100+ load
>range, but again this is going beyond manually specifying capacities and
>using sizing ratios. Also to be noted, the ASHRAE baseline (Pkg Elec HP)
>is also in the same range and is not responding to changes... which 
>would suggest something common to both within Appendix G criteria.
>Experience and opinions would be greatly appreciated.

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