[Equest-users] Slab on Grade Floors and F-Factor

Seun Odukomaiya sodukomaiya at laceindy.com
Wed Feb 24 08:37:44 PST 2010

Fellow Equesters
For the envelope requirements, Ashrae 90.1 states the required values for the "Slab on Grade Flrs" and "Below Grade Walls" in terms of "F-values" and "C-values". Equest, however, appears to only take either a U-Value or an R-value. I was just wondering how others have input this information for their baseline model in the past. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Seun Odukomaiya, LEED AP  -  Mechanical Engineer
L'Acquis Consulting Engineers
280 East 96th Street, Suite 280
Indianapolis, IN 46240
voice:  (317) 706-2075
fax:     (317) 706-2076
email:  sodukomaiya at laceindy.com<mailto:amaue at laceindy.com>
web:  www.laceindy.com<http://www.laceindy.com>
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