[Equest-users] Interpretation of Appendix G3.1.2.2 for unmet hours

Patrick J. O'Leary, Jr. poleary1969 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 13 11:35:28 PDT 2010

i've wondered that before.  i had a review comment several years ago on 
a leed 2.1 project where the reviewer disagreed with the concept that 
the overall unmet load hours were fine as i had a spread similar to 
yours in the heating or cooling unmet hours.  i ended up increasing cmf 
and/or capacity until they were more in line with each other.

i never did receive a better clarification though, and the 90.1 user 
manuals only show an example with 0 unmet hours so it is pretty useless 
in that regard.

On 7/13/10 11:28 AM, Brett Fero wrote:
> Has anyone received LEED reviewer comments regarding the fine-line 
> interpretation of Appendix G3.1.2.2 for unmet hours.
> I think I meet the criteria as shown in the table below.
> 1) The unmet loads in either model is less than 300.
> 2) The unmet loads of the proposed building does not exceed the 
> Baseline building by more than 50.
> There does not appear to be a requirement regarding the breakdown of 
> heating and cooling unmet hours.
> I know I could tweak the over-sizing factors, but am I correct in 
> thinking that these results satisfy AppendixG3.1.2.2 for unmet hours?
> *Brett Fero, P.E., LEED AP*
> RobsonWoese Inc.
> Syracuse, NY 13212
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