[Equest-users] Waterside Economizer
B. Fountain
bfountain at greensim.com
Wed Jun 2 09:15:38 PDT 2010
Yes -- there is a new chiller type in eQUEST that is a water side
economizer and represents your heat exchanger between the chilled and
condenser water loops. Note that you do not need equipment control for
this heat exchanger but it will only run when it can carry all of the
cooling load.
It was introduced I believe in version 3.62 or 3.61 or so.
> Does anyone know a way to do waterside economization other than through
> the airside tabs. The building I'm currently modeling has older multizone
> systems with a water to water heat exchanger for waterside economization.
> Equest does not give the option for waterside economization for multizone
> units. I thought there may be a way to create a heat exchanger and
> accomplish this through a water side route but have so far been
> unsuccessful.
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