[Equest-users] Defined walls in DD wizard issue
Carol Gardner
cmg750 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 3 14:26:30 PDT 2010
Depends on how many shells you define. I never spend a lot of time in the
wizard. I do almost everything in DD edit or directly in the .inp deck.
On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 9:25 PM, Bruce Easterbrook <bruce5 at bellnet.ca> wrote:
> I have been running into this for the last few days. The answer is
> as far as I can tell you get to define one wall and one roof type. Page 2,
> create one of each by layer, on page 3, select that as your type. You will
> have to change the different ones in the detailed edit mode. Make the
> rest in detailed edit and paste them in.
> This only applies to simple buildings. The rule still applies on
> complex buildings with different foot prints on different levels. When you
> do them it is best to carry lots of zones, delete items instead of create
> from scratch, change items with links, as you progress upwards. You can
> group the zones back together later. Heat transfer areas, layers, and
> exposure are most important at this point in the model.
> Bruce Easterbrook P.Eng.
> Abode Engineering
> On 02/06/2010 03:35 PM, Paul Brooks wrote:
> Question: On screen 2 of 25, "Building Footprint" I had selected the
> Zone Characterisitcs button, and for each zone attempted to define the
> exterior walls and roof. When I go to the spreadsheet view, I find that the
> walls are defined by the information on screen 3 of 25, "Building Envelope
> Constructions". the defined walls do show up in the "Construcion" list. I
> had assumed by defining walls as I had I was golden. I now realize I have
> to go to detailed edit mode to apply the correct walls and roofs.
> Does anyone know 1) why the information i input does not
> automatically become the construction, and 2) by defining walls this way,
> have i inadvetantly screwed up my model?
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Carol Gardner PE
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