[Equest-users] Defined walls in DD wizard issue
Bruce Easterbrook
bruce5 at bellnet.ca
Wed Jun 2 21:25:14 PDT 2010
I have been running into this for the last few days. The answer is
as far as I can tell you get to define one wall and one roof type. Page
2, create one of each by layer, on page 3, select that as your type.
You will have to change the different ones in the detailed edit mode.
Make the rest in detailed edit and paste them in.
This only applies to simple buildings. The rule still applies on
complex buildings with different foot prints on different levels. When
you do them it is best to carry lots of zones, delete items instead of
create from scratch, change items with links, as you progress upwards.
You can group the zones back together later. Heat transfer areas,
layers, and exposure are most important at this point in the model.
Bruce Easterbrook P.Eng.
Abode Engineering
On 02/06/2010 03:35 PM, Paul Brooks wrote:
> Question: On screen 2 of 25, "Building Footprint" I had selected the
> Zone Characterisitcs button, and for each zone attempted to define the
> exterior walls and roof. When I go to the spreadsheet view, I find
> that the walls are defined by the information on screen 3 of 25,
> "Building Envelope Constructions". the defined walls do show up in
> the "Construcion" list. I had assumed by defining walls as I had I
> was golden. I now realize I have to go to detailed edit mode to apply
> the correct walls and roofs.
> Does anyone know 1) why the information i input does not
> automatically become the construction, and 2) by defining walls this
> way, have i inadvetantly screwed up my model?
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