[Equest-users] Actual Weather Data

Katie Tuttle Katie.Tuttle at hei-eng.com
Mon Mar 22 13:30:17 PDT 2010

Please see response below from NOAA regarding solar data:

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul E Hudspeth [mailto:Paul.E.Hudspeth at noaa.gov]
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2010 3:22 PM
To: Katie Tuttle
Subject: Re: PH*[Fwd: Weather data for energy modeling]

There is no solar data after 2005.  The data for 1991-2005 can be
accessed at NREL   http://rredc.nrel.gov/solar/old_data/nsrdb/1991-2005

You can order hourly observations(not in the TMY format) on line at
          Surface Data Hourly Global
NCDC does not have any hourly data in the TMY format.

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