[Equest-users] unmet hours with autosized hvac

deepika khowal deepika.khowal at gmail.com
Fri Aug 12 10:10:31 PDT 2011

thanks all.
I will try doing this

On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 6:55 PM, John Aulbach <jra_sac at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Deepika:
> Some may disagree with me. But I have had difficulties of under AND
> oversizing of equipment in eQuest and in DOE-2.1.  Realize if you are sizing
> for a single zone, you have the peak hours set up reasonably. But id you
> have multiple zones, your "Peak" equipment amy NOY cover the hotest and
> coldest zone adequately.
> As carol has previously stated, you need to increase your supply fan CFM. I
> also never run less than 1 CFM/sf, otherwise, I have Hours of Load Not met.
> Try increasing your CFM.
> John Aulbach
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