[Equest-users] Baseline model failure - corrupted pd2 file?

Steven Savich ssavich at systemswestengineers.com
Thu Dec 15 19:00:47 PST 2011

Oddest thing just happened to my baseline model.  Using equest 3.64 on a
Windows 7 desktop.  Naturally, this happens the evening before my submittal


I was making edits in the envelope tab, getting the U-values lined up with
90.1, and tried running the model in all 4 orientations.  Two orientations
went normally, and two did not - no cooling, heating or dom water gas use
was recorded, but the models ran to completion.  I tried running it again in
all four orientations with no changes, and now the model, for all four
orientations, will complete the run but will not calc the cooling, heating,
or domestic hot water gas use.  The fan energy consumption is also inflated,
as the fans appear to be operating 24/7.


I then tried uninstalling 3.64 and reinstalling a fresh copy, downloaded
directly from the equest website.  The baseline model is still behaving in
the same fashion.  I've tried running two other models, and their output
matches previous results, so it looks like a corruption of this model rather
than a problem with my computer or the equest installation.


There don't appear to be problems in the .inp file, is it possible that the
.pd2 file is corrupted?


Has anyone else had something like this happen before? 


The pd2 & inp files for the baseline are attached.


Steven Savich, LEED AP

Systems West Engineers

411 High Street

Eugene, OR  97401-2427

(541) 342-7210

(541) 342-7220 (fax)


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